Tuesday 9 February 2010

Return of the blogger

Wow, so it's been a very long time since I last made a post in this blog! I have decided to start making more regular posts again, or at least try to, in an attempt to get me into the habit of writing more frequently again. I have still updated the odd post on my livejournal account, but that journal is reserved more for all the other stuff in my life. My livejournal doesn't have a theme, I just put whatever the hell I like in there, and use it as a way of finding out what is going on in the lives of those friends of mine who still use it.

Since my last post, I have achieved some of the goals I was working towards in my life and i'm currently in the process of achieving more goals, and this makes me happy.

Spiritually and magickally, things have been kind of interesting. My coven just sort of fell apart last year due to various reasons and I am now back to being a Witch Alone for the forseeable.

Whilst I do miss working in a coven (the structure of group work, the motivation it encourages, the drama of the rites etc) I must say that I am enjoying the freedom of solitary work right now, and feel like I can go at my own pace. It is also working wonders for my self-esteem.

I continue with regular meditation, and I ALWAYS learn something new from a meditation, it is an eternal teacher. I have been exploring my astral temple frequently.

I have been working with the goddess Hekate now for quite a long period. I perform devotions at least once a week and have a permanent shrine space for Her. I burn oils for her, usually patchouli or cypress. I offer her garlic cloves and honey. It struck me recently, that perhaps one of the reasons I have been so called to working with her a lot is because, in my magickal and spiritual life, I am in something of an inbetween state (again! though this time it is in terms of my magickal life, rather than my mundane life, I have a job now!) but the links have not been completely severed. My group may be salvaged at some point in the future, but then again, it might not!

I definitely wish to be in a group structure again, but just how long it will be until this happens, I do not know, and for now I am enjoying the ride! The lack of a physical teacher figure in my life is forcing me into following my own intuition more and doing things my way. I have not abandoned the ways of my tradition, I use the same ritual protocol and techniques I have been taught, because these are special to me, and effective. But of course, my tradition has always been experimental. Whilst the ritual structure and certain ways of doing things, are always used, precisely what flavours and fills my rites is now down to me and me only. If I wish to experience a deity or spirit or try a new form of magickal working, it is my choice as to how I go about doing it, and so far, it seems to be going well.

I have been working a lot with crystals and stones for a while now, this was prompted by my purchasing of David Rankine's "Crystals Healing and Folklore" I possess a pretty good selection of various crystals (most of which were purchased quite a few years ago when I first fell in love with the mineral kingdom and their magical potential) I am using crystals a lot in conjunction with meditation and dreamwork.

I have been exploring working with servitors. I have been engaging in more trance journeying, and I am learning more and more about how to communicate and interact with spirits (for want of a better word)

I am also undertaking an email correspondence course in astrology for tarot readers, following on from the natal chart I had done for myself by an astrologer friend I met a couple of years ago through the shop. The course is very laid back and I can do it in my own time.

In terms of reading, I must say that my most valuable literary purchase of late has been "The Encyclopedia of Spirits" by Judika Illes (awesome, amazing author) I love the book so much (along with all her others) that I told her so over facebook, and she replied straight back with a huge thank you and told me how much it means to her when she gets these lovely comments from readers of her books who share her passion for Gods, Saints, Spirits and spells!

I cannot recommend her work highly enough, the amount of research that must go into her books makes me feel dizzy with awe. Check out her website.

And finally, for now, seeing as I am in the mood for sharing online resources, I would like to draw attention to "The Unnamed Path" as an interesting series of podcasts for gay male occultists, check it out here.

Expect more posts soon!